Health benefits of green tea consumption for men

If you thought matcha was just another trendy drink for women, think again.
Read on to learn about all the reasons why men should incorporate matcha tea into their daily routines.
The health benefits of daily matcha consumption for men include - among other things - improving physical performance and mental focus, alleviating stress, reducing the risk of prostate cancer, increasing sperm count and also helping prevent erectile dysfunction as well as hair loss and balding.
It has been confirmed, time and time again, by many studies that one of the secrets to longevity and true, vibrant health is green tea. Now, what if we said there was a drink that has 10 times the nutritrional value of regular green tea? Meet matcha: the miracle drink of the Japanese that has been scientifically proven to have incredible health benefits.
Matcha and green tea are the same in that they are both derived from the "Camellia sinensis" tea plant, but how they are grown and produced is different, which results in differences in taste, consistency, color, the method of preparation and most importantly, in their nutritional value. Matcha contains 3 times more antioxidants than a high quality, loose leaf green tea, and 137 times more, than a regular green tea bag.
The incredible amounts of antioxidants in matcha (particularly catechins) help fight harmful free radicals in the body.1 This is something that positively affects overall health, both in men and women. Hence the fact that the popularity of matcha has significantly increased among male consumers too. Here are some of the health benefits of matcha for men:
1. It vitalizes body and mind, provides sustained energy
Most people typically start their day with a cup of coffee, probably simply out of habit.
Just like coffee, matcha has the ability to wake you up as it does contain caffeine, but it's different in that it is released gradually into the bloodstream, thus providing long lasting energy, for up to 6 hours.
2. Improves brain function and alleviates stress
A special amino acid found in matcha is called L-theanine and it stimulates the brain’s alpha waves, which causes you to feel focused, conscious and alert. The presence of alpha waves promotes better concentration, you will be more alert and sense the feeling of calmness spreading over you. It can also help improve memory and cognitive function in the long run as well.
A study conducted in 20172 confirmed that L-theanine and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) found in matcha have the ability to reduce anxiety symptoms. This is due to the fact that these substances promote the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which induces the release of dopamine and serotonin in the body. These two compounds are responsible for regulating our mood and improving memory and cognitive function. All in all, you will feel so much better!
Moreover, green tea (and therefore matcha) is also rich in poliphenols3, which can reduce inflammation in the brain, thus helping with brain tumor conditions too.
3. Aids in weight loss
Caffeine found in matcha boosts resting metabolic rate (metabolism) by up to 35-40%, thus promoting natural weight loss.4 It also contains dietary fiber, which stabilizes blood sugar levels.
4. Improves fertility
Fertility is influenced by many factors including diet and lifestyle. Regular matcha consumption can naturally increase sperm count5, thus promoting better male fertility. Sperm is extremely sensitive to the harmful effects of free radicals6, which can be reduced by the antioxidants (such as poliphenols or catechins) found in matcha.
5. Reduces the risk of prostate cancer7
The growth of prostate cancer cells is promoted by damaged DNA within the male reproductive system. The natural DNA repairing effect of green tea has been widely known for a long time now8, consequently regular consumption may help prevent prostate cancer.
Enzyme COX-2 is produced within inflamed cells, its excess in the body is one of the major contributors of prostate cancer. EGCG found in matcha can effectively inhibit this enzyme9, thus preventing the growth of cancer cells.
6. Reduces cholesterol levels and prevents heart disease
A study conducted in Japan found that consuming 10 cups (or more) of green tea per day contributes to lower cholesterol levels as well as better cholesterol profiles, meaning higher levels of "good", and lower levels of "bad" cholesterol in the body.10
This result was once again confirmed by another Japanese study: men who drink 9 or more cups of green tea per day were found to have a cholesterol level that is 8 mg/dl lower, than those who drink only 2 or less cups of green tea per day.
One cup of matcha tea equals the health benefits of 10 cups of regular green tea, so if you drink matcha on the regular, it can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
7. Promotes the natural death of cancer cells
Apoptosis (or programmed cell death) is a naturally occurring physiological process within the human body, where old and damaged cells die in a genetically defined way. Simultaneously, this natural biochemical process gives way to new cells, thus helping to maintain a healthy balance in the body.
However, this is not how it works with cancer cells, as they keep growing instead of dying off, eventually becoming tumors.11 Studies have confirmed12 that epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) found in green tea and matcha is a very potent antioxidant that easily induces apoptosis in cancer cells, meaning it promotes their natural death. So as we have mentioned above, green tea plays an important role in the prevention of cancer.
8. Helps prevent erectile dysfunction
A 2006 study13 examined the effects of antioxidant-rich foods and drinks in treating erectile dysfunction and found that regular green tea consumption can help prevent this condition in the long run as the antioxidants build up in the body over the years.
If you already have this condition, green tea can still help. One cup of matcha consumed daily is an incredibly effective, easy therapy that one can do from the comfort of their own home.
9. Improves stamina and physical performance
Do you enjoy running or going to the gym? Be aware that free radicals are created during intense workout sessions as well. The wonderful compounds of green tea14 can help with neutralizing their harmful effects. Even if you aren't a professional athlete, matcha can promote better overall physical performance.15
10. Promotes better dental hygiene
The high amounts of cathechins found in matcha are known to have antimicrobial properties as well16, meaning they provide protection against bacteria and viruses. Catechins have been found to be effective against a bacterium called Streptococcus mutans, which causes plaque formation and tooth decay. Thus, green tea consumption can significantly improve dental hygiene as well.
11. Helps prevent hair loss and balding
Although balding is usually a genetic "inheritance", it's important to note that EGCG has been reported to be effective against androgenetic alopecia, also known as male baldness.17 While a cup of green tea probably won't reverse emerging hair loss, it can help with prevention or simply keeping it under control.
12. Fights against aging18
We bet it's not just women who are concerned about this topic. When it comes to anti-aging properties, green tea is an absolute queen. Regular matcha consumption can reduce wrinkles and dryness, it also promotes smooth, beautiful, glowing skin.
With matcha we consume the entire, finely ground tea leaf, thus reaping all the health benefits. The above-referenced studies examined the effects of regular green tea, which means we can multiply all results by 10 since consuming 1 cup of matcha equals the health benefits of 10 cups of green tea. One matcha a day, therefore, is guaranteed to keep the doctor away. :)
References used in this article: